The candy box a good idea for all your guests


Almost everyone loves candy, this little guilty and regressive pleasure that we can enjoy at any time. When you receive friends or loved ones at home, you could surprise them by offering them a candy box, filled with sweet delights that they can enjoy at dessert or snack time. Fun and friendly, the candy box will delight your guests!

When you receive loved ones at home, it can be a good idea to offer them a small personalized gift, which shows your affection for them and your good manners. One of the most original ideas to surprise them is the candy box! It can be personalized, to suit all ages and personalities, and it will immediately create a joyful atmosphere among the guests. Find out how to fill a candy box and how to present it to delight your guests.

The candy box, an original note for your guests

You just have to pronounce the term “candy” to see evocative shapes and colors flash through your interlocutor’s eyes, synonymous with childhood and nostalgic pleasure: Canada strawberry, teddy bears, crocodiles, Pimousses, Smurfs, Car en sac or roudoudou… We all have a favorite type of candy, from those that stick to your teeth to the more tart ones that make your eyes squint. This is one of the reasons that makes the candy box a great choice for welcoming guests to your home!

One of the advantages of the candy box is that it can easily be transported, so your guests can enjoy it later if they don’t want to share everything immediately. The other, and not least, is that you can completely personalize it. On the occasion of a specific event (birthday, wedding, reunion, Christmas, etc.), or simply for the pleasure of offering a specific gift to each person, consider the customizable candy box from the Haribo brand, which allows you to choose the theme, the candy mix and to put a message or a visual on the box!

In the candy box that you have prepared especially for your guests, everyone will be able to find their favorite candy that will bring back happy memories. The older ones should smile when discovering Floppie’s, Coco Boer, or Mistrals Gagnants (dear to the singer Renaud); a thirty-year-old will be enchanted by digging into Dragibus, licorice, or Têtes brûlées; when the youngest will be delighted to be able to nibble on Squidgies, Pandawaï or large Dragibus.

What to put in a candy box?

If the idea of ​​offering a candy box to your guests is very attractive, it is important, in order not to miss out, to choose the right variety for each person. To do this, here are some of the possibilities available to you.

Start by asking yourself if the target person prefers sour candies or gummies that don’t sting because this allows you to make an initial selection. If in doubt, you can opt for a mix of the two! It’s best to watch out for problematic varieties, like licorice, Marshmallows, and chewable or suckable candies (like Harlequins), which have their detractors. If you are unsure of your loved ones’ preferences, it is best to avoid them.
Keep in mind that there are no hard and fast rules regarding taste in candy: some children love sour candies while others hate them, and this divide is also found among adults. So, choose according to the colors, the varieties that are visually the nicest, and what you like. Worst case scenario, it will be your turn to eat them!

Presentation and personalization tips

There are several ways to present a candy box to your guests. You can give it to them in person, upon their arrival, as a token of welcome, or place this box on the bedside table in the guest room if your guests are staying with you for the night.

But the most traditional way to present it is to use it as a decorative object on the dining tabl . Assign a place to each of your guests and place the personalized candy box on the plate or right next to i . They will discover it with astonishment when they sit down and the attention will hit home and could lead to laughter and smiles if you have added a personal touch – photo or small message – to this box of sweets.


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