E-Cig an ally to quit smoking


It has been popular for many years, but is it a great ally in quitting smoking? Discover the advantages and disadvantages of electronic cigarettes.

Electronic cigarettes, vapes, or more recently puffs, it is called in several ways, but their use remains the same. No more cigarettes, make way for an alternative that is much less harmful to your health and which can greatly help you quit smoking. But be careful, it won’t work a miracle and it’s good to think about the subject before getting started!

Electronic cigarettes to stop smoking?

In reality, quitting smoking starts with a very strong will. If you want to quit smoking without being convinced that you will succeed, it is a safe bet that you will not succeed, even if you vape. For the electronic cigarette to be a real help in stopping smoking, you must be mentally ready to take this step.

Many smokers have tried to quit and, after two days, returned to their bad habits. The reason is simple: the lack of nicotine is most intense in the first days and you need an iron will to cope with it. However, using an electronic cigarette will allow you to make a smoother transition than stopping everything overnight. Indeed, e-cigarettes can contain nicotine in their liquid in varying doses which will allow you, during the first step, to eliminate all the other toxic components present in a cigarette.

The advantages of electronic cigarettes 

From a financial point of view, the e-cigarette is a real advantage compared to cigarettes. If you need a good reason to stop besides protecting your health, this is of course what you should focus on. At the rate of a packet of Marlboro per day at €12.50, you will save €375 each month. Over the year, this amounts to €4,500 in savings! With an electronic cigarette, liquids will cost you between €30 and €90 per month depending on your consumption.

On Bioconcept, you will find the 50ml bottle between 13 and 16€, or a little less than 50€ per month if you are a heavy smoker (with an estimate of 150ml of liquid per month). Made in France with a 100% vegetable base, BioConcept e-liquids offer several flavors to satisfy as many people as possible.

Obviously, by quitting smoking to vape, you will feel noticeable effects on your health, very quickly. First of all, your breathing will improve and the famous smoker’s cough will gradually disappear. Then, you will regain your sense of taste and smell (because yes, you have lost it and you don’t even realize it!). Finally, by stopping smoking, you reduce the cardiovascular risks linked to your tobacco consumption.

Another advantage, and not the least, is the “management” of symptoms linked to stopping smoking. Indeed, switching to electronic cigarettes is a gentle method that greatly reduces the feeling of withdrawal. By managing the doses of nicotine in your e-liquid as you wish, you can gradually manage your definitive cessation. Very quickly and without realizing it, you will go to 0mg of nicotine and vaping will therefore no longer be more than a reflex. At this point, all that will remain is to eliminate vaping!

The disadvantages of e-cigarettes 

Although significantly less harmful than tobacco consumption, e-cigarettes are not without risk either.

What comes up regularly among users are headaches and throat irritation. Those who have already tried vaping can attest, that the first puff is always very surprising and can make you cough. It is therefore good to take this parameter into account.

Also, the use of an electronic cigarette as part of smoking cessation must be done with will, otherwise the results will not live up to your expectations. As explained previously, only a strong will can make you stop smoking. The electronic cigarette is only an aid in the whole process. Don’t think you’ll get rid of your desire to smoke after 3 days! Give your body time to adapt and your habits to change. Because yes, smoking is a habit, and depending on the number of years of smoking you have behind you, this habit can be very difficult to break.


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