10 conversation ideas to liven up a dinner


A successful dinner doesn’t just happen on the plate. The atmosphere is also one of the keys to success. However, it’s not always easy to find a topic of conversation that isn’t annoying or doesn’t revolve around the weather. It’s all the more complicated if you don’t know your guests well. However, some original topics of discussion allow you to spend exceptional evenings.

If the weather is boring, politics heats things. So what to talk about at dinner? There are many more topics of conversation than it seems. By proposing original themes, you will be sure to spend an evening full of in-depth discussions. A moment that your guests will remember for a long time.

1. Travel

Take your guests on a journey by telling them about one of your escapades or by asking one of your guests to do so. For an original evening, also offer a menu inspired by the cuisine of the country you have traveled to.

2. Astronomy

It’s a subject that fascinates young and old alike. What’s more, it is very easy these days to keep informed of the discoveries made in this area. Visit the social networks of NASA, the European Space Agency or the Center for Space Studies , where you will find information and illustrations.

3. History

As you read, you may have learned some fascinating facts about world history. Share your knowledge with your guests who will certainly be delighted to refresh their general knowledge. For example, tell the story of the town in which the dinner takes place if you know it.

4. The mysteries of life

Some subjects leave you speechless. These phenomena that science still has difficulty explaining are part of it. We think in particular of near-death experiences which always fascinate an audience. Be careful, however, broaching this type of subject could make some guests uncomfortable or push others to mockery. To be reserved for an informed public.

5. Literary favorites

Don’t have a good story to tell? Fortunately, literature is here to save you. Do not hesitate to tell a story that you have read and which touched you deeply. Your guests will in turn be able to share their literary favorites.

6. Television series

TV series now appeal to both millennials and seniors. They may not admit it easily, but young people are also fans of certain somewhat kitsch programs traditionally “reserved” for older people. An ideal topic of conversation when the dinner brings together several generations.

7. Technological advances

What will the future look like? This is a theme that can be approached at all ages. Talk about the latest articles you have read on the subject, recent discoveries, advances in science, and upcoming high-tech developments.

8. Childhood

It’s a subject that always works well when several generations sit together at the table. If talking about your childhood, about times gone by, is a pleasure for some seniors, it is also a good way to tell younger people where they come from and what the world was like before them. Be careful, however, not to fall into the trap of “it was better before” which tends to irritate the younger generation.

9. Projection into the future

To get to know your table companions better, there’s nothing like asking this question: “And where do you see yourself in 5 years?”. A theme that will allow some to confide, both about their dreams and their doubts. A subject of intimate conversation that will also have to be discussed with the appropriate guests.

10. Culinary discoveries

There’s nothing like a good dinner to share your gastronomic discoveries, your favorite recipes, or your little secrets for tasty dishes. This is an ideal theme for passing on knowledge between generations or for offering a little of your knowledge to your dearest friends.


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